The J&K Government today ordered a new transfer policy which shall superseed all the previous orders in this regard. As per the Government order 861-GAD of 2019, dated: 28.07.2019, all government employees are to be posted strictly as per the lastest government order.
According to the new Transfer policy:
The eligibility and suitability of the employee must be given utmost priority while affecting the transfers. The employee must be posted to sensitive and non sensitive postings on rotational basis. The Engineering and finance department has been asked to identify such postings.
Husband and wife, Handicapped should be given convenient postings according to the order. 
According to the order the postings must generally be done in the beginning of Financial year i.e. April except for the teachers who should be posted according to academic Calender, also the newly promoted employees should be posted on Vacant posts. The transfer orders once issued must be strictly implemented.
The tenure of the posting has been fixed between 2-3 years in ordinary case while the maximum period can extend upto 5 years. The pre mature transfers can be affected with the prior approval of the concerned Minister. 
The powers for transfers have to delegated to District level officer for non gazetted employees within district. The divisional head can transfer non gazetted employees within the district while Power of transfer upto first gazetted have been delegated to Head of Department. 
PDD finds special mention as power of transfer of AEs have been given to the Development Commissioner. The transfers of HoDs,DCs, IGs, Secretaries shall be done by the Cabinet.
TP News

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